Introducing Josephine
Josephine Bacon
August 18th 20222
Introducing Josephine, who came in to model for us. She is a regular swimmer at the London Fields lido, and a friend of ours. We asked her a series of questions for our second "Meet" series story. Thank you Josephine!
Q & A
1. Favourite Usual objections garment? My coral pink thin strap swimsuit - it’s such a flattering colour and I’ve had so many compliments when wearing it!
2. Why do you like to swim? I have been swimming every day for so many years and it’s now so much a part of me that I don’t think about the reasons. It’s like breathing to me - why do I breathe? To live. The same goes for swimming. Also, as far as exercise goes, swimming is both an energetic work-out and a calming meditative experience. And I love being in water - I love the fact that we are land-based creatures but we have this ability to breathe and move in water as well so we are not necessarily earth-bound.
3. What is the best thing that has happened to you this year? Having a really successful exhibition of paintings at London Fields Lido. The paintings are all based on photographs of a swimmer friend of mine taken while she was swimming in the lido. People loved them - they said the paintings expressed exactly how it feels to be in the water. It felt very good to be so appreciated - and I sold a lot too!
4. Something free that makes you smile? Getting on my bike every morning and looking at the eastern sky with the dawn, the sunrise or even the pre-dawn twilight and feeling the new day beginning. Knowing I am one of the few people out at that time in the morning gives me a thrill.
5. Advice you would tell your younger self? Don’t get married when you are only 18! Big mistake…..
6. Top healthy habits? Swimming, running, walking, cycling Eating loads of fresh vegetables and fruit - mostly raw Lots of yoghurt Never eating junk or processed food. Very little alcohol.
7. Next thing on the bucket list? Learning to do front crawl. I’m trying really hard but haven’t cracked it yet after almost 40 years of only swimming breaststroke. I also want to run a marathon distance (on my own, not in an organised marathon). During the second lock-down I did three half-marathons on my own very easily (actually one was further - 25k) and I’d like to see if I can run further.
8. Any guilty pleasures? Guilt isn’t a part of any of my pleasures except that I sometimes buy a packet of Werthers Originals sweets and eating pure sugar definitely makes me feel guilty!!!